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Pickling Sunchocks

During the 2020 garden season, sunchokes (you may have heard them called Jerusalem artichokes) were our wild-card plant. They eat/cook much like a potato but look more like ginger. Picked sunchocks, being preserved in dirt They grow in the ground like potatoes. After...

Canning Potatoes

Last year, our potato production was great! We planted three rows consisting of Russet, red, blue and Yukon gold potatoes. We picked up the initial starts at the local feed store (note that starter potatoes aren’t sprayed with a sprout inhibitor like potatoes you get...

Preparation Paid Off

How is everyone fairing after the ice storm? We got an inch of ice, and no snow.  We lost power Friday evening. In hopes of it coming back, we went to bed in the dark and did not haul out the generators. It was cold enough nothing was going to spoil. When we woke...

Garden Planning

It is hard to believe that it is already time to think about the garden for this year, but it is. We have been receiving seed catalogs in the mail for the last month. We spent one evening this past week drawing out the garden and determining what we are going to do....

Mason Bees 2021

Last spring was our 1st year doing mason bees. I was recently driving by the nursery where I got bees last year, and they had a sign out advertising “Mason bees in stock”. This got us thinking that it is time to take stock of what we have and decide if we are doing it...