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Spencer + more

How is everyone doing?  With COVID-19, our lives have changed a bit. Greg and I are mostly working from home, so without the long commutes, we have a little more time to work on some little projects that keep getting put off and also to get the garden ready for...

Peyton’s Palace

Three weeks ago, before the stay at home order, we attended Country Christian’s yearly auction. Peyton attends school there, and it is their main fundraiser of the year. During the live auction, we purchased a five-foot by five-foot chicken coop that was built by the...

Mason Bees

This week Greg is going to tell you about mason bees. This is a new thing at the Ranch that was introduced to us by one of his friends, Dave Novak. All I know is that they don’t produce honey but rather are just pollinators. The bees were placed in the orchard in a...

New Stear

This past weekend, we went and picked up a new just-weened steer. He’s a pure breed black Angus that is about 3 months old. The new stear (hard to get a decent picture because is moving all over trying to get used to his new home) It took some work from the rancher...

Abundance of Eggs

Last weekend was our change onto daylight savings time.  As the days have more light in them, our ducks and chickens begin to lay more eggs. Birds lay an average of 6 eggs a week in the peak of spring. Currently, we are getting roughly three dozen duck and two dozen...

Whiting True Green layer chicks

Last Friday, we picked up 54 laying chicks from the post office. Yes, the post office. We had ordered them several months ago and knew they would be coming this week. On Tuesday, we got notified from Murray McMurray Hatchery that the birds were being shipped from...

Baby Lamb

We knew that we would be having a baby lamb any day if not two. Twins are very common in lambs.  We left for a trip two weeks ago, and we knew that while we were gone, the ewe would most likely give birth. We had several people checking in on the Ranch regularly,...


In a couple of weeks, we will see the arrival of 51 new laying chicks (you will hear more about that in future posts). In preparation for the birds, we have had to eliminate rats from the barn. They are the worst we have ever had. You can occasionally walk into the...

Hangar Door Repair

At the Ranch, we aren’t ALWAYS working on ranch projects. Sometimes, we need to change our focus and work on something else. One issue that has been a thorn in our side since we bought the Ranch is our old hangar door. The large opening is built with an exterior steel...

Rain Water Distribution Improvements

As homeowners, we all have things around the house that need to be done.  Some things are small and keep getting pushed to the bottom of the priority list as more important things get added. At the Ranch, there is ALWAYS a “to-do list” sitting around of what...