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3 Young Ewes

3 Young Ewes About 5 years ago, we purchased one ram and two ewes. We had one of the original ewes die whentrying to give birth to twins. We still have 2 ewes and the same ram, but we have kept them all in thesame pastures and just let them co-habitat. Over the years,...

Year of Blogs

Our last blog marked our 52nd blog. This week’s blog is meant to wrap up a full year. We have only missed a few Fridays, so in the last 55ish weeks, you have learned what happens during an average year on the Ranch. Below is a complete list of our 52 blogs that are...

Poultry Tractor

Three years ago, Greg had a vision to create a poultry tractor for the meat chickens and turkeys. It is a movable pen that is 10’x20’ and made out of PVC pipe and chicken wire. It’s meant to do a few things. It keeps the birds ‘relatively’ safe from predators. It...
Poultry stages and feed cycle

Poultry stages and feed cycle

This time of year, birds are constantly being moved around and require different types of feed as they mature. Right now, we have mature laying chickens and ducks, adolescent laying chickens in Peyton’s Palace, younger adolescent laying chickens in the barn, baby...


Having proper drainage from roof gutters is very important to any structure.  It prevents foundation damage and mitigates surface ponding and erosion. When we purchased our house almost six years ago in the summer, we didn’t notice any drainage issues. Over time,...

Power Outage

What happens when you lose power? We lost power this last week after a heavy rainstorm passed through. We called PGE to report it, and they said that several thousand people were without power. They did not know the cause which means they had no idea of when the power...