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Things have been a little out of the normal for everyone lately. We have been doing our part of staying home and social distancing, which Greg loves. It is forcing him to be home and finally work at that never-ending to-do list. On Saturday, I ran to the feed store to pick up a pallet of chicken and duck feed that we had called in (curbside pick-up only). When I picked it up, they asked if we needed anymore layer birds because they had 19 left that needed a home. They were either leftovers because they always order a few extra or someone just did not come pick their birds up.

The gals at the feed store know Greg, so they knew that we would take them.  😊  SO, they sent me home with 8 Blue Andalusian baby chicks and 11 Silver Lakenvelder baby chicks. They are both considered rare. They are also considered good layers, but not great layers. However, they will add some welcoming variety.

Blue Andalusian Pullets are a black or silver birds that lays blue eggs.

Silver Lakenvelder Pullets are a white chicken with black neck, tail, and wings with unique blue legs.  They lay white eggs.

McMurray Hatchery Lakenvelder

These 19 birds are in the barn and will be there for another 4 months until they can get moved outside and put on layer feed. We may move them out on their own pasture area earlier, but they need to be isolated from the mature chickens.

Chicks in barn huddled under heat lamp
Chicks in barn huddled under heat lamp

This got us thinking we probably should get some more chicks coming. Demand has been good lately for chicken eggs, and we barely have enough eggs for us to eat. 

We decided to order 25 Pearl-White Leghorns, which are the best white egg layer. They will arrive mid-May and start laying eggs in October.

McMurray Hatchery Pearl White Leghorn

We also ordered 51 Whiting True Blue which will arrive in mid-July.  They lay beautiful robin blue eggs.

With all these new laying chickens coming, we are excited to increase our customer base for chicken eggs.