This morning I went to the post office and picked up 50 new Whiting True Blue laying chicks. These birds will lay blue eggs or what are often called “Easter Eggs.”

Due to the hot days over the last week, I was worried we would have some loss in transport, but they all arrived unharmed.
Once they were brought back to the house, I placed 25 in each trough that had been prepared in the barn. Each trough has its own food, water, and heat lamp. Even though it should be in the 80’s today, they still need a heat lamp to keep them warm because they are only 2 days old.

In about 18 weeks the birds should start to lay small eggs. It then takes a couple of more weeks before the eggs reach normal size. Our Whiting True GREEN chicks that we received in early March have just started laying eggs over the last couple of weeks.

Top: Whiting True green egg from an adolescent chick who just started laying.
Bottom: Is an egg from an adult White Leghorn
Today’s delivery of Whiting True Blue Chicks is our last batch of new laying chickens we will receive this season. Typically chickens lay eggs abundantly for four years before their production tappers off and they need to be replaced.
We do have one more shipment of birds yet to arrive this year, a new batch of laying ducks, stay tuned for when they arrive.