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Last week, Greg pruned up all 27 of our orchard trees, rows of grapes and berries in the garden. He then sprayed the orchard trees with dormant spray. We are all ready for things to start blooming this spring.

Pruned orchard
Pruned orchard

Winter is also the time to plant trees because they are dormant. This week, we planted a strawberry tree and a dogwood. We are excited to see them grow and bloom next fall.

Pruned rows of berries in the garden
Pruned rows of berries in the garden

Along with those trees, we also added some roses and shrubs along the side of the house. Where there once was grass all the way up to the house, we now have a ten-foot planter. Looking at it, it appears so natural and like it has always been there. As the plants grow over the years it will look even better.

New pathway & planters
New pathway & planters

Over the week we have been doing other small projects that are always needed, especially in Oregon, like spraying moss killer on the roofs, patios, and hanger pad. Of course, we are never without other needed ranch improvements and maintenance.